Salmon Spread
One of many recipes we begged our neighbor for. She is a quintessential Hostess and comes out with delightful cookery and spreads like this.
Read moreWannabe writer with hobby of art. Stay and you'll glimpse a small piece of my heart.
One of many recipes we begged our neighbor for. She is a quintessential Hostess and comes out with delightful cookery and spreads like this.
Read moreOne day, Sergey and I were ravenously hungry and--surprising nobody--we went in search of a recipe that could use more garlic. And this time, we opted, not for more mushroom, but for a more flavorful oil. Pop quiz, what made old-style McDonald's fries the best?
Read moreI was absolutely craving bread. But not fluffy bread, I wanted a nice dense bread to sink my teeth into. I stumbled across this recipe on Tumblr and it was perfect. And then I used this recipe to process election anxieties. I made well over a hundred in that time.
Read moreOne day I was up on a hypomanic swing. And I decided, among other things, that I wanted to pickle my own sandwich toppings. So I went on YouTube and here's the result.
Read moreSnopes' disproved Neiman Marcus costs-a-fortune cookies offered a killer recipe, urban legend or no. It also churns out a metric crapton of cookies in one go, so it became my go-to recipe when I needed party cookies, or office cookies. Heavily modified over the years, of course...
Read moreOne of our oldest recipes, Sergey distilled down what makes a good meatball and... DECIDED THERE WAS NOT ENOUGH GARLIC AND MUSHROOM. Of course. Sensible man, that.
Read moreA family friend developed a lemonade so purely delightful to my tastebuds that I begged her for the recipe. She most graciously passed it on to me, and I present to you the most refreshing drink I've ever had.
Read moreSergey and I have visited Japan, and while there we discovered Melon Bread. It's fluffy as air inside and crispy on the outside. I can't make it as good, but I can make a good sweet bread along those lines with this.
Read moreThis is a pretty basic recipe that was intended to give a little more substance to a meal consisting mostly of the roasted potatoes we developed. I needed to mark down the right proportions somewhere, so...
Read moreMy youngest sister and I played around with this recipe a bit. We found it online, but decided it was not sweet enough. Difficult to tweak without making it too dense, but it cane be done!
Read moreA FAVORITE old family recipe. A lot of this is experimentation, approximation, and “to taste” measuring. Also, Wolff’s Kasha is hard to find in the store. Often found in the "non-American foods" section with matzah, potato pancake mix, borscht, gefilte fish.
Read moreOur neighbor has a sangria to end all sangrias, according to Sergey. I don't like sangrias much myself, but he will swear by this. We haven't tried making the recipe ourselves yet, so it is still in progress!
Read moreSergey was looking for a good salad to fill up on during intermittent fasting days. This quickly became a favorite for him. Good for approximately 2 bowl fulls
Read moreThis is possibly the best tea-table type dessert I've ever had, and it came from my mother in law.
Read moreSergey and I went on a streak of making good quality Japanese recipes and this is one of our current favorites.
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