Wannabe Writer's Ink

Wannabe writer with hobby of art. Stay and you'll glimpse a small piece of my heart.

The Archives

Archive: 1: a place in which public records or historical materials (such as documents) are preserved... 2: a repository or collection especially of information.

I have too many ideas. At one point in my life, I was diagnosed Bipolar 2, and while the swings have calmed down a lot at this point in my life, I still tend to generate more ideas than I have the energy to follow up on. However, these are ideas that could be re-examined and/or resurrected and brought to fruition in the future. Therefore, I am establishing a new ongoing type of post--much like Recent Media Consumed--that logs lists of ideas I've had for future reference. I'll collect them up to a critical mass and batch-post them.

This also allows me to let go of these ideas for now. It is stressful in ways I can't fully articulate for me to just shove the idea aside. It feels like a waste, like somehow letting it be completely forgotten is a crime that haunts me as I try to focus. So, whether they are being laid to rest permanently or just waiting for their turn, I commend these ideas to the resting ground of The Archives, established from this post onward. The fanfiction ideas were hoovered off my old Tumblr Blog because you never know when one of these might still work.

Fanfiction Ideas

  1. Fandom: Invader Zim (CROSSOVER) Megamind. That black hole that sucked up Megamind and Metroman’s home planets? Caused by Irkens. Both planets’ inhabitants were considered too great a threat by the Irken Empire, so they were exterminated completely. So what happens when Megamind finds out this information? Worse, finds out an Irken is here, on planet Earth? (just an idea scrap, take it from there)
  2. Fandom: My Little Pony. Dragons and ponies rarely interact. Ponies are usually too afraid of dragons, and dragons think ponies are pushovers, save for their rulers. Alicorn princess Twilight starts to watch a little more closely how Applejack and Rarity treat their sisters, and measures that against how she treats Spike. She attempts to treat him more like a brother than a glorified assistant, but both begin seeing the subtle ways in which Spike is regarded as second class and sub-pony. It all comes to a head when Twilight leaves to find some answers from the dragons, and comes back gashed, broken, and mute. What happened? And can Spike and Ponyville handle the truth about his origins?
  3. Fandom: Invader Zim. A reality bending device Zim is working on goes horribly awry and melds with Zim’s computer. Now Zim is trapped in a Wonderland of memes. Some are helpful, some are useless, and some are downright deadly. Guiding him on his path is a confused Liam Neeson, who must begin every single sentence with the phrase “I don’t know who you are, or what you want, but…” The rest is self explanatory. Tone: Crackfic.
  4. Fandom: My Little Pony (CROSSOVER) Little House On the Prairie. Okay HEAR ME OUT. THINK ABOUT IT. If the nasty shopkeeper lady Harriet was separated from her daughter Nellie, she might be a slightly more compassionate person. As it is, Nellie often feeds her lies about people in the town, thus turning her mother against most other people while absorbing all Harriet’s love and attention. Even her brother Willie, though she mostly ignores him, does whatever she says and backs her up, which is a form of love. Conclusion? Nellie Olson is a changeling scout, sent to see if this is a suitable dimension to feed from. And she is feeding off the Olson family… I need sleep apparently...
  5. Fandom: Rise of the Guardians. I had a dream based out of the movie Rise of the Guardians and I think it would be a great fic if I have the time or energy for it. I dreamed that somehow, post-movie, Pitch (the Bogeyman) was on a friendly basis with the Guardians and was hanging out with them. But his darker nature kept rising and trying to take over, and eventually the Guardians were able to see that there was a “center” to Pitch, that he was meant to give children the wariness they need to survive bad situations, or to recognize dangerous things. But that “center” nature had been twisted into something else when Pitch sought more power through fear. The Guardians were trying to help him bring this good original purpose to the forefront in him, but there was another faction of creatures that wanted Pitch in all his terror-inducing “Bogeyman” aspect, and they kept kidnapping Pitch away.
  6. Fandom: Touched By An Angel (CROSSOVER) Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. There’s a heavy duty episode in Touched By An Angel about missing children (Lost and Found) and the organization that tries to find them, and the co-head-investigator of the organization is a rather young Clark Gregg, aka Agent Phil Coulson of S.H.I.E.L.D. and briefly of the Avengers. Which led to this re-interpretation of the Lost and Found episode on Touched By An Angel: S.H.I.E.L.D. has noticed a recent uptick in angel sightings and reports of changed lives surrounding figures known as “Monica” and “Tess”. Agent Coulson is sent to investigate, and is inserted surreptitiously where the angels are predicted as likely to show up next. That happens to be a department that works tirelessly to find missing children. Agent Coulson is fully aware that the new phone operator and rookie investigator that came out of nowhere are angels, and the angels are fully aware that he knows, and it’s all wink-and-nods the whole time. He might have missed that the angel of death runs a computer in the corner because angel-of-death is a rotating position, and nobody has ever reported on an “Andrew” before. After particularly intense scene with a showdown between Monica and a fallen angel in another investigator’s apartment, it’s like
    Coulson: Monica, do you have any idea how many hidden cameras we had in that apartment?
    Monica: *sweetly* D'you have any idea why they managed to catch anything that night? *knew the whole time and was fine with it*

Blog Post Ideas

  • Vivisms: On swearing without swearing in fiction. Based on my interpretation of the Mystery Skulls character Vivi, and her inability to crack an actual swear word while making you believe she's cursing a blue streak at you.
  • Christians can be like fairies in Peter Pan. Those fairies are so tiny they can only feel one thing at a time. Idea that we are not big enough to hold more than one (or a few) concepts about God.
  • The practical things I've picked up from Jordan Peterson and how it's impacting my day-to-day (e.g. Planner, goals, asking self what I need in order to accomplish task, acknowledging what I actually want in life, breaking things into incremental steps, regular waking time, listening to what I need and leaning in the direction of change, voluntarily facing my fears, speaking the truth and taking what comes)
  • Humility in brokenness. Analyzing the idea of reactively denying faults and brokenness and why it bothers me.
  • Learning incremental work: Improving the front area of the house.
  • Creative Commons, the Disney Copyright issue, and why it suddenly feels like my problem.
  • Silence vs quiet, the difference between being somewhere deep in nature and being somewhere alone in the city and why "quiet" is so much harder for me to stand.
  • A list of media I'm afraid to interact with, as well as a brief summary of my experience interacting with it.
  • The orb spider that lived outside the kitchen window for a couple months.
  • Changes in my sleep and what it's doing to me.
  • "Housewife" and what that used to mean to me vs what it means now.