Wannabe Writer's Ink

Wannabe writer with hobby of art. Stay and you'll glimpse a small piece of my heart.

Dusty's Spiced Mocha

I went from coffee-hater to mocha-chugger in the two years that I worked for an online web development/internet marketing company. Over the years I've perfected the home brew version with my one-portion coffee maker. This is my morning wake-up/comfort drink.


  • Ground coffee of your choice
  • 1 heaping spoonful dark cacao/cocoa powder (not pre-made hot chocolate packets)
  • 2 heaping spoonfuls of sugar
  • A sprinkle each of nutmeg, cinnamon, and ground ginger
  • Whole milk
  • Heavy whipping cream
  • Hot water


  1. Set hot water to boil. In my experience, coffee-makers don't heat the water enough.
  2. Fill your coffee-maker with preferred coffee.
  3. Dump cocoa, sugar, and spices into a mug and mix with a spoon.
  4. Pour in a little bit of milk and a splash of heavy whipping cream. The result should be that when you stir it all with a spoon, you get a sludge the consistency of loose pudding at the bottom. Stir carefully in all the crevices to get rid of clumps.
  5. When the water boils, use that in your coffee-maker. Brew coffee directly into the sludge you made.
  6. Stir a little at the first hot water trickle, continuing to ensure there are no clumps, and use the stream to get some sludge off the spoon and back into the mug. Stir once more at the end of the brew cycle.
  7. Enjoy!

Tip: If you are using instant coffee, blend it in during step 3 and just add hot water directly to the mug.