Wannabe Writer's Ink

Wannabe writer with hobby of art. Stay and you'll glimpse a small piece of my heart.

Introducing "Askfriend"

"Askfriend? Who is Askfriend?"

Well, by asking that question, you might be.

At this time, for reasons I'm sure I'll explore in-depth in future posts, I'm not as eager as I once was to fling wide the online-contact gates. Those of you reading this may have noticed there is no reply button for the email and no comment field on the blog posts. In fact, beyond subscribing, there seems to be no way of contacting me at the time of this writing.

Well, that's half true. Of course people who don't know me have no way to get ahold of me, but plenty of you do know me and either know how to reach out to me, or how to poke my parents to get my contact info. In the future, if my readership expands, I may open up a P.O. box and accept contact in the old-timiest way I know of. I consider the effort of snailmail to be a satisfactory spam, robot, and troll filter.

In the meantime, those who know me sometimes ask incredible questions that get all my gears churning, forcing me to clarify and communicate what was before a vague and nebulous notion I trailed into my perspectives and conversations.

Enter Askfriend. Askfriend is my Mom. Askfriend is my husband. Askfriend is actually a friend who asked a very good question. Askfriend might be you.

For the sake of anonymity, Askfriend is y'all, whether you personally asked the question or not. I'll do my best to not abuse Askfriend by putting questions in their mouth. After all, while I'm comfortable spouting off about the random ideas I'm passionate about, sometimes it takes a pointed question to make me examine an idea I've been holding onto without thinking it through.

Welcome to the blog, Askfriend. I'm working on the first question, and boy is it a doozy...