2022 Eggnog Season Review
Every year on my blog, I spend a little time raving about my favorite flavor of the season. I'm no pumpkin spice gal, I'm an eggnog fanatic. I'm a nutmeggnogger, to be precise.
I thought I'd take a different approach this time, partly because I always have trouble keeping track of which eggnogs were the "good" ones and which ones to avoid. I mean, when you have a flavor companies only put out once a year, how are you supposed to remember from year to year who impressed you? (those of you with have steel trap memories can keep your comments to yourself, thankyouverymuch). So why not review a few different nogs?

Mostly it's going to boil down to "This tastes better" or "This doesn't taste as good as X" and it's all personal preference, but why not have a little fun? Welcome to Dusty Rose's

Promised Land really is something else, no matter what they put on the shelf. My first nog pick of the season knocked it out of the park. Thick enough to be worth savoring and full of flavor. The best nog by far.

I couldn't find Promised Land eggnog after my first purchase, so after holding out for a few weeks I caved and tried a different nog from a dairy that looks like it takes itself seriously. Volleman's eggnog is okay. It's good, but it's not as thick as I like and tastes lighter than Promised Land. Personal preference ranks this as a few notches below Promised Land, but definitely not a bad eggnog. Plus you get $2 cash back by turning their hefty glass bottle back in to the store, so that's nice.

I was a bit intimidated by this one whenever I passed it on the shelf. I prefer my eggnog come in smaller sizes if possible, since I drink it a little at a time and I'm the only one in my household who likes it. Fortunately for me, my parents opted to get a carton, so I finally got to taste it. I was surprised by how--dare I say it--scrumptious it was. It is certainly up there with Promised Land's Old Fashioned eggnog, though it does have a slightly different flavor. It might even be thicker, too. Southern Comfort's Traditional Eggnogg one is one of the better nogs, no mistake, and I might risk getting a whole carton for myself next year.
"Wait, wait, that's it? You only tried three kinds of eggnogg?"
My friend, when you find two out of three eggcellent brands, you need look no further. Next year I'll try another few brands out to see if any other brands (or these brands with other eggnog types) can compete, but until then I will be happy with Southern Comfort in the Promised Land.